About ¾ of Canada’s original mixed grass prairie has already been converted, but a significant area – about 6 million ha – remains. Your gift will protect this important ecosystem. 

Birds confined to the grasslands of the North American Great Plains are declining faster than any other bird group. Icons like the Chestnut-collared Longspur have declined by roughly 95% since 1970. The coming decade is likely our last chance to avert the extinction of these key components of the grassland ecosystem.

When you make a gift of any amount you become a valued member of Birds Canada. You can give anytime and your membership is valid for the entire year. As a member, you are invited to participate in our Citizen Science programs. You’ll also receive conservation updates and invitations to fun local events.

  • Members who give $50 or more annually, or $5 or more monthly can also receive our exclusive BirdWatch Canada magazine. 
  • Members who give $100 or more annually, or $9 or more monthly can also receive our exclusive BirdLife International online magazine.